Bright and Beautiful Life
Bright and Beautiful Life
How to Deal With The Feels

How to Deal With The Feels

Hello Friends!

So, how are you holding up? Seriously, I want to hear all the things!

I had planned to talk about our practice of listening today for Rules of Engagement, but I thought a little prayer practice might be more helpful. Don’t worry we are still going to talk about listening later this week.

I’m releasing this *slightly more public version of the secret podcast because think this episode might help us all a little. (If you want this in your regular podcast feed just sign up at this link and you’ll get instructions for that! )

Let’s talk about Grounding Prayer.

What is it? Well, actually it’s something I kind of made up. Not too long ago I stumbled upon something called grounding exercises to help with anxiety. I realized even in the moment that this could be a powerful practice when turned heavenward in prayer.

It’s simply this:

5 Things you can see.

4Things you can touch.

3 Things you can hear.

2 Things you can smell.

1 Thing you can taste.

Here is why it’s such a powerful prayer practice:

  • All Creation declares his glory. So this can help us get out of our heads and get our eyes focused on the world around us.

  • It puts us back in our place. Whether we think it is cliche or not, we were put on Earth for such a time as this. Actively noticing our physical environment brings us back to the place God has put us in both time and space and reawakens our sense of purpose.

  • We better notice beauty. And all beauty should draw us to the author of beauty. So often we miss the ways that God is calling to us because we are running ourselves ragged, or even thinking ourselves ragged. Calling it out, helps us notice where God is trying to get our attention.

How to do it?

Simply thank God for all the things before you and invite Him to reveal His presence in those things.

OR you could join us for Rules of Engagement: Spring where we will be practicing prayer together on the secret podcast.

Just go to this link and drop your email in!

Bright and Beautiful Life
Bright and Beautiful Life
Welcome to a short twice weekly podcast where we first get More Light of the World in us, then explore ways we can shine more Light in the World!