Bright and Beautiful Life
Bright and Beautiful Life
Gods Great Invention: How God Speaks to Us Through Stories

Gods Great Invention: How God Speaks to Us Through Stories

The people that left behind pieces of themselves between the lines, making novels the most intimate sort of sharing. People who had genius and brilliance, depth of feeling and merriment inside. All glimpses of a God who values creation and beauty to their overwhelming depths.

What a reflection of love, of beauty, of God lies within these pages, she thought! Pages that become stones of remembrance and stories that become parts of us.

Hello Friends!

This season is intense on so many levels, so I don’t want to rush to silver linings or rush past the grief. However, I do think many of us have been blessed with more time to read and actually, I think snuggling up with a good story can be exactly what we need right now. Often stories can walk us through our whole gamut of emotions and land us in a better place.

Contributor April Payne shares how God has moved through stories in her life. In fact, I suspect it’s just what you need right now.

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Bright and Beautiful Life
Bright and Beautiful Life
Welcome to a short twice weekly podcast where we first get More Light of the World in us, then explore ways we can shine more Light in the World!