Bright and Beautiful Life
Bright and Beautiful Life
Enforced Fast: How We Can Grow Spiritually in the Time of Corona

Enforced Fast: How We Can Grow Spiritually in the Time of Corona

Hello Friends,

Just this morning I heard Timothy Keller say

“Question everything but what the Bible Commands.”

I had a podcast queued up this morning called Fasting Without Freaking Out, but that seems to be a totally moot point now. We are all in the midst of an enforced fast, we are all freaking out.

But I guess the thing we are really addressing here today is this: if you truly believe God is sovereign and you are placed here for such a time as this, then how can we grow our faith?

The question isn’t really what do we need to give up, but what do we need to grow?

Maybe it’s time for us to grow up into the meat of the Word instead of surviving on milk.

Maybe it’s time for us to shop less, and trust the abundance of God for what we have now.

Maybe it’s time for us to learn not to deny our feelings, but to defy them through the power of the resurrection of Jesus.

I’d love to hear from you below. What is God teaching you in this time? What have you lost that God might be trying to fill with something better?

Bright and Beautiful Life
Bright and Beautiful Life
Welcome to a short twice weekly podcast where we first get More Light of the World in us, then explore ways we can shine more Light in the World!